The Implications of a Bicycle Accident

Due to the fact that many college students choose bikes as their primary mode of transportation, bicycle accidents can occur frequently on college campuses. One example may include a college student riding his bike on his way to an early morning class. Just a block...

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Bicycle Accident Attorney Gives Stamp of Approval

A Salt Lake City man has taken it upon himself to ensure the future protection of cyclists by putting strands of LED lights on bicycles and backpacks. Brandon Smith first conceived of the idea after he was almost hit by a vehicle on a dark street; now, with his LED...

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Do I Need A Lawyer For My Bicycle Accident Case?

If you have been involved in a bicycle accident a big question you might have, is whether you have a case and whether nor you should hire a personal injury attorney. The Utah Bicycle Accident Handbook written by Kenneth L. Christensen contains the information...

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What Every Bicyclist Should Know

When you get on a bike, whether for recreation or transportation, are you aware of the laws you need to follow? It does not matter what your reason is for riding a bike. There are specific laws regarding cycling in Utah and it is imperative for you and your safety...

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How A Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can Help!

Bicycling can be a great source of exercise and an environmentally friendly alternative mode of transportation. But unlike some physical activities, there is a much higher risk of injury or bicycling accident. According to, “Cycling creates a...

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Salt Lake City 2011 Bike Count Complete

The results were proof that efforts to promote and encourage bicycling as a means of transportation have paid off. When comparing the 2010 data with the new 2011 data, the counters found that there had been a 27.15% growth in the past year. Each location that was...

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Auto/Bicycle accident stalls I-15 traffic

Tuesday morning saw traffic stalled on I-15 near 400 South due to an auto-bicyclist accident. It appears that a biker was struck by a pickup truck in a crosswalk just off the 400 South off-ramp in Salt Lake City. The cyclist was transported to the hospital for...

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