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Fewer Cases — More Time For You.
We are different. At The Christensen Law Firm, we do not rely on a high volume of cases, and we don't handle every type of case. We don't want to. We don't need to. Each year, we accept a limited number of injury cases from the hundreds of people who ask us to...
Children and Bicycle Accidents
Some of the most avid bicyclists are children. In fact, more than 70% of children ages 5 to 14 ride bicycles on a regular basis. That’s well over 27 million children in that age group alone. Children ride twice as much as an average bicyclist. Unfortunately, this also...
Bicycle Safety In 2012
The safety of cyclists on the road is an important but sometimes overlooked issue. With rising gas prices and an increase in the collective awareness we have on our environment, more and more people are leaving their cars in the garage and instead riding their bikes...
You’ve been in a Missouri Bicycle Accident-Now What?
If you or a loved one is involved in a bicycle accident in Missouri, the number one thing you need to worry about is your health. If you have sustained injuries as a result of the negligence of another person, you may be eligible for compensation. With the seriousness...
Six Cycling Tips That Could Save Life and Limb
Michael A Schafer, a bicycle accident attorney in Louisville, Kentucky, is continually delivering smart information on how to remain safe of the roads for cyclist. The Following list is a smart list for both cyclist and drivers. As a cyclist, following these six tips...
Avoiding Bicycle Dangers with a Bicycle Accident Attorney
Biking is an ever growing recreational activity. In fact, for a growing number of people, it’s more than a trend—it’s an actual lifestyle. A whole bevy of blogs have burgeoned over the last few years to promote biking, with motives ranging from trying to make the...
2 Cyclists Hit by Car: Kimballs Lane 700 East Draper
\Two cyclists were hit by a maroon car at Kimballs Lane 700 East in Draper, Friday afternoon. The cyclists were wearing bright colors and could easily be seen. They were riding together when a car came from an adjoining road and struck them from the side. An ambulance...
10 Cycling Laws that Every Motorist Should Know
Driving and cycling have often been at odds in Utah. Motorists can feel entitled to the roadway since they are bigger, faster, and in the case of a duel, a car will win every time. Unfortunately for motorists who may think this way, it is the cyclist’s legal right to...
Upcoming 2012 Cycling Rides, Races & Events
Now that the sun is out longer with each passing day, three facts arise. First, temperatures are warmer and our skin again has the opportunity to soak up the sun’s rays and create vitamin D. Second, bicycle road races begin and will occur in many cities across Utah. ...
3 Reasons to Pick Up a Copy of Cycling Utah – Mountain West Cycling Magazine
Spring-time is here, and with the season comes many fun and exciting outdoor activities. Among those favorite Utah spring-time activities includes bicycling. Whether it is mountain biking or regular road cycling, many in Utah pull out their dusty bikes and embrace the...
Injured in a Bike Accident?
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