5 Considerations for Fitting a Bicycle

In many cases, a correct fit is vital to the effectiveness of a commodity.  A set of D batteries won’t power your car, Dijonmustard has no place in a yogurt smoothie, and a veteran hockey player may not be the best choice to star a tooth paste commercial.  No matter...

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Avoiding the Sickle on a Bicycle

For as long as statistics have been taken, bicyclists have made up a disproportionate number of traffic casualties.  Luckily, the past few decades have seen a more-or-less steady decrease in the number of bicyclists involved in accidents throughout the United States...

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Braving Ventura Highway as a Bicyclist

The free wind is blowing through your hair.  The sunlight glances off your helmet to illuminate a pair of canoodling butterflies.  The disembodied voice of Freddy Mercury trills behind you that he also loves to ride his bicycle.  And, for some reason, there are...

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Wheel in the Sky: Your Options Following a Bicycle Accident

The summer sun is rising, and it’s kissing the day—days of outings, races to the park, or simply a new way of getting to work.  For many, it’s been a year or more since last mounting a bicycle.  The saying goes that you never forget how, but the first few attempts of...

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3 Ways Bicycle Accident Lawyers Solve the Insurance Puzzle

  Imagine that you are a cyclist walking into your local insurance office to purchase a policy. Because gasoline is pricey and a fast-depleting resource, you have just acquired a bicycle expensive enough to insure and fast enough to be dangerous if you ever lost...

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Here Comes the Sun, But Beware of Summer Traffic

School’s out!  The summer months are here, and so is bicycle season.  Now that the preponderance of ice, snow, and face-lifting wind have been replaced by a summer breeze, it’s the perfect opportunity to strap on a helmet and set out for a Saturday in the park. ...

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Wheel in the Sky: Dawn of the Bicycle

It’s an exciting time to be a bicyclist in Utah!  After years of struggling with lack of awareness and low funding—about 1.7% of the state transportation budget as reported by the Alliance for Biking and Walking—the efforts of local advocacy groups like the League of...

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Children and Bicycles: A Second Look

Chances are good that you wouldn’t put a 5-year-old behind the wheel of your car.  In fact, even the thought of a 16-year-old hurtling down the road in your motor vehicle might fill you with unspeakable dread.  Why is this?  Is it because you’re worried about your...

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Injured in a Bike Accident?

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