Utah Bicycle Fatalities Down; Injuries Still High

Between 1996-2005, Utah had the 5th highest fatality rate for bicyclists nationwide.  In recent years, however, those numbers have dwindled impressively; and the state that was once No. 15 for bicyclist fatalities is now No. 13 for bicyclist accommodation.  This data...

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Bicyclists and Road Hazards

Bicyclists are privileged to enjoy thrills that the drivers of motor vehicles do not—the elation of coasting down a hill, the wind in their hair, the taste of insects stuck in their teeth.  However, equilibrium dictates that the joy of bicycling must come packaged...

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No Bicycle Insurance? No Problem

Bicycling is growing in popularity in the United States.  As this activity becomes more prevalent, more bicycle lanes are installed, more drivers become accustomed to seeing bicyclists, and bicycling becomes safer overall as a result.  Although bicycling has yet to...

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Bicycle Safety: Get Noticed!

The first principle of bicycle safety is visibility. This is part of the reason why you see so many bicyclists wearing outfits patterned after Liberace’s piano or Dennis Rodman’s head—the more outlandishly they dress, the better they stand out against a landscape that...

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Don’t Be a Sitting Duck in a Bicycle Accident

A popular kiddie treat consisting of raisins atop a celery stick smeared with peanut butter is called, for its obvious resemblance, “bugs on a log.”  The term is sometimes similarly applied to individuals left vulnerable to injury (although probably not for their...

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Pros and Cons of Cyclist Helmet Laws

\Since a motorcyclist was killed on I-15 in June because he collided with a mattress that had fallen into the road from a truck bed, the debate over helmet laws has raged with renewed heat.  Proponents of helmets declare that freak accidents like the one that caused...

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Passing of Stephen R. Covey

On Monday, July 16 of this year, former Brigham Young University business professor Stephen R. Covey and author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, succumbed to injuries he sustained in an accident in April when he lost control of his bicycle and was...

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Author Stephen R. Covey Dies Following Bicycle Accident

Author, motivational speaker and businessman Stephen R. Covey has passed away as the result of a bicycle accident that occurred several months ago. Mr. Covey was 79 years old when he passed away early Monday morning in an Idaho hospital, according to a statement...

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Head Injury for Cyclists – A Safety Guide

Though road rash and broken legs are common enough in bicycle vs. motor vehicle crashes, it’s head injuries that are the most serious and potentially life-altering. When it comes to head injury care, you can minimize the damage by protecting your head before, during...

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