by Ken Christensen | Feb 24, 2014 | Bicycle Accident Lawyer, Bicycle Accidents, Road Safety For Bikes
Salt Lake City Cycling As the Salt Lake Tribune and other local news sites have reported, a large number of cycling accidents have recently taken place in and around downtown Salt Lake City (see here). Although Salt Lake City is becoming an increasingly bike-friendly...
by Russ Hymas | Feb 19, 2014 | Bicycle Accident Lawyer, Cycling Tips, Road Safety For Bikes
First adopted by the off-road set, tubeless tires have become inexpensive and durable enough to make them an option for all cyclists. While many people have already made the decision to go tubeless, there are some, like me, who still see them as the product of black...
by Russ Hymas | Feb 17, 2014 | Road Safety For Bikes, Salt Lake City bicycle accident attorney
Cyclists spend most of their time thinking about the places they’re going, not the wheels that they’re riding on. After deciding size, width—depending on whether you are racing, commuting, or mountain biking—thread compounds, thread per inch, and bead what...
by Ken Christensen | Feb 13, 2014 | Biking Events, Cycling Tips, Road Safety For Bikes
A Rodeo for Bikes? A rodeo without bulls, clowns, and (most likely) country music? That’s absolutely correct. The Utah Department of Public Safety has determined that such events can be a fun and educational way to inform cyclists about bike safety at a young...
by Russ Hymas | Feb 11, 2014 | Bicycle Accidents, Cycling Tips, Road Safety For Bikes
One of the most popular rides in the Salt Lake metro area is the eight mile route that starts at the Hogle Zoo and ends at the crest of Emigration Canyon. Featuring a steady 5% incline, natural beauty, and the perennial favorite Ruth’s Diner, Emigration Canyon...
by Russ Hymas | Feb 7, 2014 | Bicycle Accidents, Bicycle Injuries, Utah Bicycle Accident Lawyer
How Dangerous is Cycling? Those with little road-side cycling experience often wonder if cycling is safe. Though the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no”—as with most things—a cyclist who understands traffic laws regarding bicycles will more...
by Russ Hymas | Feb 3, 2014 | Biking Events, Cycling Tips
As most of you already know, Utah has been blessed with a large number of mountain biking trails that take full advantage of the beautiful scenery that Utah has to offer. From red rock trails and breath-taking valley views to trails that are so accessible that you can...
by Russ Hymas | Jan 30, 2014 | Bicycle Accident Lawyer, Biking Events
Although it’s cold and there’s still snow and ice on the ground, cyclists can take heart from the fact that the winter solstice has passed and the northern hemisphere is on its way to beautiful spring weather. And, of course, the arrival of spring beckons...
by Ken Christensen | Jan 28, 2014 | Cycling Tips, Road Safety For Bikes, Salt Lake City bicycle accident attorney
It’s the end of January and most cyclists have long since put their bikes away. I know I have; it’s not so much the cold weather as it is the bad air that keeps me off the road this time of year. I just can’t motivate myself to ride through this soup...
by Russ Hymas | Jan 22, 2014 | Biking Events, Cycling Tips
When I first started cycling, I grabbed an old bike from my garage and just started pedaling. I didn’t worry at all about the weight, the size, or the style of the bike, it was just a way to get outside. As my appreciation for the sport grew, I became more and...