Cycling Shoes

Why Bike Shoes? If you find that you ride more than about 10 miles a day, you may consider investing in cycling shoes. While wearing regular cross trainers while biking is fine, you may find that wearing cycling shoes can first and foremost make your ride a more...

Maintaining Hydration Levels While Cycling

Cycling is a great form of exercise, and many cyclists rely on long-distance riding to keep them in shape. Like with any type of workout, it is important to stay hydrated while cycling. Most cyclists rely on a combination of water and sports drinks to keep them...

Commuting By Bicycle: A Beginner’s Guide

Introducing cycling into your routine Unless you are already an avid cyclist, the idea of relying on a bicycle as your primary method of transportation may seem scary. The truth is, however, that there are many benefits that come from incorporating cycling into your...

Basic Motorcycle Safety

Motorcycle Vigilance Utah motorcycle lawyers admonish all riders to always be aware of their surroundings. Staying alert is especially important in the evening and after the sun goes dow, because a rider’s vision becomes more impaired in the dark. Although...

New Google Maps Feature For Cyclists

As was first reported last month by Techcrunch, Google Maps has created a way for cyclists to calculate elevation into their bike routes with their new “elevation profiles.” This new feature allows you to plan ahead for the elevation changes that you will...