Why Women Cycle Less Than Men

More men than women are out on their bikes. Researchers have quantified the gender gap, discovering that only 24% of bike trips made in the U.S. are made by women. Moreover, that shows a 6% decline in less than a decade. The assumption is sometimes that women concern...

The True Meaning of “Biker Commuter”

Choosing whether to be a “biker commuter” or not can be a difficult decision. It doesn’t help that the statistics on bike accidents and calculations of cost-to-benefit ratios are notoriously unreliable. Yes, the Federal Highway Administration...

What Type of Bicycle Should I Buy?

Not all bikes are created equal. Bikes come in many different shapes and sizes. Staying safe means finding the right bike. Not only that, you want to have a bike that is perfect just for you. But the wide variety may seem overwhelming. How do you know which bike is...

How to Perform DIY Bike Checks

By checking your own bike for basic mechanic issues on a regular basis, you can help prevent further problems from developing in the future. While there may be some problems too serious for a bike amateur to handle, you may find that you are better at fixing broken...

Spenders Willing to Splurge for Luxury Bicycles

On August 20, the Wall Street Journal published an article entitled “Rise of the Five-Figure Bicycle,” which discussed the increasing costs of luxury bikes and the cyclists who are willing to pay for them. Author Rachel Bachman discussed the story of Ted...