by Russ Hymas | Apr 24, 2015 | Bicycle Injuries, Road Safety For Bikes, Utah Bicycle Accident Lawyer
It’s common knowledge that distracted driving isn’t a good idea. But what about biking while texting, making a phone call, or listening to music? Cyclists are often the unfortunate victims of a distracted driver, but biking while texting has its own risks...
by Russ Hymas | Apr 14, 2015 | Bicycle Accidents, Biking Events
Cycling is one of Utah’s favorite sports; that’s one of the reasons we ranked the 8th most bicycle-friendly state in the nation (and 4th in the region) last year, according to the League of American Bicyclists (LAB). At this year’s Utah Bicycle Summit held...
by Russ Hymas | Apr 8, 2015 | Road Safety For Bikes
People concerned with bicycle road safety scored a huge victory in Washington D.C. with the announcement of new cycling laws. These laws address the growing issue of safety for cyclists and pedestrians. Most traffic accident deaths and serious injuries in our country...
by Russ Hymas | Mar 31, 2015 | Bicycle Accidents, Helmet Safety
News media can often fall into a rut of focusing on just a few stories among the endless stream of information and events happening in the world. Most of the time, stories that are important to the cycling community tend to get left out. Why is that? In The...
by Russ Hymas | Mar 25, 2015 | Cycling Tips, Road Safety For Bikes
If you are a bicyclist in Utah, it’s hard not to notice the huge influx of biking lanes in Salt Lake. Many of our busy highways are now outlined with rolling paths of asphalt and dotted with little bicycle icons and signs. These new lanes continue to branch out...
by Russ Hymas | Mar 18, 2015 | Bicycle Accident Lawyer, Bicycle Accidents, Bicycle Injuries
The Accident It was a warm morning in July of 2013 when Jeff Bickle started out on his morning bike ride, not knowing that his life would soon be turned upside down. While riding in the bike lane on Wall Avenue in Ogden, a careless driver made an unsafe left-hand...
by Russ Hymas | Mar 11, 2015 | Bicycle Accidents, Cycling Tips, Helmet Safety, Utah Bicycle Accidents
March is National Collision Awareness Month, and it’s a great time for drivers and cyclists alike to take a step back and explore how to be safer on the road. According to statistics from the Utah Department of Transportation, in 2013 there were 55,637 vehicle crashes...
by Russ Hymas | Mar 5, 2015 | Bicycle Accident Lawyer, Biking Events, Road Safety For Bikes, Utah Bicycle Accident Attorneys, Utah Bicycle Accident Lawyer
Today we’d like to present you with a new opportunity (or two) to be more active in your cycling community. Riding our bikes can be a dangerous activity even at the best of times. It’s a price we pay for better health, freedom, and a connection to the...
by Russ Hymas | Feb 27, 2015 | Cycling Tips
Utah currently follows a Daylight Savings schedule, meaning that the time shifts back and forth by one hour each year. You may like the extra spring hour of sleep or prefer shorter autumn days. As it stands now, Utahns will gain an extra hour of daylight on Sunday,...
by Russ Hymas | Feb 18, 2015 | Cycling Tips, Road Safety For Bikes
After spending a chilly winter off the open road, both you and your bike probably need some TLC before being road ready. Here are the steps that we recommend to getting back in the saddle without any issues (besides huffing and puffing through your first ride)....