6 Rides for Enjoying the Autumn Leaves

Autumn is the perfect time to take a bike ride. The oppressive summer heat has subsided, and the mountain roads are not yet blocked by snow and ice. The bright fall colors of autumn leaves are the icing on the cake. Make sure you make time for at least one of these...

Smart Cycling with Your Kids

If you love cycling, chances are you want to share that love with your family. Just because your can’t keep up, doesn’t mean you have to leave them behind. Here we give you ways to bring your kids along for the ride and ideas for fun rides your whole...

Halloween Bicycles

  With Halloween coming this weekend, many bicycle lovers wish to celebrate the occasion on their bikes. If you are one of them but are out of ideas for a costume on wheels, you are in the right place! Here are some ideas to help you find the inspiration of a...

Crazy Bikes: 12 Interesting & Creative Bikes

  Most of us have the comfort of regular streets and bicycle lanes, but there are bikers all over the world with different challenges, in all kinds of terrains and environments. Over the years, bicycles have evolved to adapt to all kinds of needs, tastes, and...

Crazy Bikes: Top 9 Odd & Strange Bicycles

  Do you ever need to desperately go to the bathroom while riding your bicycle and find no bathroom in sight? Do you wish to go grocery shopping without getting off your bike? Do you find pedals overrated and want a bicycle that will let you run while riding? If...

How to Bike with Less Light

Today is the start of that time of year when long summer days turn short with long fall nights. The change may be something you have never thought much about, but it means changes if you are a bike commuter, or if you like evening rides. Equinoxes mark a change that...

The Best Way to Map Your Bike Route

Planning a bike route before you ride comes with many benefits. Not only do you maximize the time you spend actually riding, but you also don’t have to worry about how far you are going, or how much time you have once you’re in the saddle. Whether...