Cyclists and motorists need to meet halfway

Common themes in talking about cycling safety are infrastructure and motorist awareness. While these remain 2 major hurdles for cyclists to overcome in belonging on the road, there needs to be some improvements by bike riders everywhere. Whenever tax dollars are spent...

Road Respect Tour 2013

Utah’s 3rd annual Road Respect Tour has been working its way up the state and will be in Utah, Salt Lake, and Weber counties later this week. As more and more people join Utah’s roads, both in cars and on bikes, education about proper interactions between...

5 Myths about Bicycles

Sometimes knowledge is the safest piece of equipment you can add to your bicycle. There are some common misconceptions that we at Christensen and Hymas want to clear up so we can all be safe out there on the road. 1. Cyclists should ride facing traffic. This is one we...

Cyclist Laws and Safety a Featured Story on KSL

Often when we talk about cyclists, we focus on the fact that riders out there have the same protection on the road as vehicles. The flip side of this usually goes unmentioned, that cyclists also have the same responsibilities. KSL featured a story last week where...