Utah Bicycle Safety Resources

Modern bicycles have been around for 140 years. However, you don’t need to wear a bowler hat and spats to work or play via bicycle – frames are sleeker, speeds are greater, helmets are lighter. Similarly, biking resources have evolved with the times...

The Rules of the Road for Cyclists

An article recently published on Forbes.com reported that from the year 2000 to 2010 the number of bicycle commuters grew by 40 percent. Riding your bike to work can be a great way to stay in shape and save money but it also leaves you more vulnerable in the event of...

5 Tips for Bicycling in Snow and Ice

Commuters in the Salt Lake City area have had more than their share of excitement this winter, whether it came in the form of mountainous snow, unsightly slush, or even freezing rain. Thankfully, the snow is no longer piling up higher than the average residence, the...